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Where it all began


Adams County, the first county to be organized in Mississippi, is one of the state’s crown jewels. Rich in people, resources and history, with the help of its Democrats holds high promise for a rich future. With historic and internally renowned Natchez as its county seat, the number of former and current residents who played large roles in our cultural, economic and political history is too long to list here. Suffice it to say that Adams County resides on the top of the list of locales which played a significant role in shaping or regional and national identities.

Adams County also is renowned as Democratic stronghold which maintains an active and effective Democratic party structure.

Because of its long history, its numerous must-see sites are equally impossible to list here individually. They range from the prehistoric to pre-colonial, colonial, antebellum and modern. For exhaust lists visit the Adams County and the City of Natchez official websites.

Use the links above to learn more about the Democrats working to move Mississippi forward and bring progress to the State.


















Join the Adams County Democratic Party and together we can turn Mississippi Blue!

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Turn Mississippi Blue


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