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Candidate Engagement:
Training & Resources

This page is designed to increase candidate engagement with the Mississippi Democratic Party and to foster inclusion, training, education and inspiration in helping to aid our Democratic Candidates in their efforts for elections. We offer a wide variety of training and resources that will facilitate candidates in their efforts during the democratic election process. 


For more information please reach out to:


Vice Chair Jodie Brown

(985) 612- 7139


Sandra McCall

Campaign Committee Chair 

(601) 317-1141

How to Qualify

All Candidates must qualify to run for there respective offices (i.e. mayor, alderman, etc.) with the municipality in which they reside. The candidates residency must be verified that they have lived and have voted for at least 2 years prior to the election date.  

Candidates must: Verify Eligibility, Prepare the Necessary Documents, Submit Qualifying Documents, File a Statement of Economic Interest with the Secretary of State's office, Comply with Campaign Finance Disclosure reports, and finally, Prepare for the Election.


2025 Municipal Candidate "How to" Qualifying Guide



​Candidate Qualifying Forms:



Mayor Form:


Alderman Form:


Councilman Form:


Municipal Office Form:


VAN/Votebuilder Access Request

If you are a candidate running for a municipal office please submit and email to and

Please include the following information to streamline the process of getting access


Subject: "Candidate VAN/Votebuilder Access Request"


My name is (Candidate name) and I running for (office candidate is running for) in (municipality/city), Mississippi. I am requesting VAN access for (area/office) in (municipality). " In this email, please include the candidates contact information (physical address, email, phone number, congressional district, and ward)


Payment for access can only be processed via check, money order, and an Actblue payment to the portal that will be provided. 



Candidate Certification Program: Training Form

Candidates often need to be cultivated, grown, and nurtured. They should have some level of understanding of what the position entails, be qualified, and share an interest in the community’s goals and values.

Please feel out this training form and mail it or email back to MSDP!! Let's get started on growing future qualified candidates. Payment of training must be completed before registration is processed.


Training can be paid for through ActBlue, Check, or Money Order.


This is the registration link:




Dates of Candidate Training

Make every effort to attend all the training. This will aid you in your campaign and election process.

February 15, 2025- (Virtual) Registration link will be provided upon sign up and payment

-Training date PDF form will be sent as well



Data Training Schedule

Data Training Schedule- For Further questions on training please reach out to Data Training Questions: or 


Check back with Schedule dates and times! Link of registration will appear January 13, 2025 5:00pm​​​


Date Delivery & Topic

01/14/25 -Live @ 6pm CT: Analyzing a Race Counts & Crosstabs Basics 01/23/25 -Pre-Recorded: Voter Contact 1 Survey Questions, Activist Codes & Scripts

02/4/25 -Live @ 6pm CT: Targeting 1 Create a List Beginner

02/11/25 -Live @ 6pm CT: Open Q&A 1 Questions so far?

02/20/25 -Pre-Recorded: Voter Contact 2 Virtual Phone Banks

02/25/25 -Live @ 6pm CT: Login Troubleshooting Having trouble logging in?

03/6/25 -Pre-Recorded: Voter Contact 3 Cutting Turf & using MiniVAN

03/11/25 -Live @ 6pm CT: Feedback 1 What do YOU want more training on?

03/18/25 -Live @ 6pm CT: Open Q&A 2 Upcoming Q2 items; Open Q&A

03/27/25 -Pre-Recorded: Targeting 2 Create a List Advanced


Resources for Candidates

There are also a number of trainings that can be found on the NDTC website as well. Check back with more information soon. (Training links)


Democratic Municipal Committee

Steps for Forming a Permanent Municipal Committee



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